2) Incorporate more walking into your day. 10,000 steps!!
3) Less chemicals on your body = less toxins in your body.
4) Drink more water and less of everything else.
5) Sleep right: in a cool, dark room for 7-9 hours.
6) Practice Earthing/Grounding by coming into contact with the Earth whenever possible -- rock, dirt, water, or sand all count but you must be barefoot! (More on this later)
7) Limit sugar in all forms, especially refined. Fruit, like everything, is best in moderation.
8) Learn to love strength training, especially if you're a middle-aged woman!
9) Sprint once a week to slow the aging process. (More on this later!)
10) Learn to love your healthy fats and watch your skin start to glow! EVOO, coconut oil, avocados, eggs, seeds and nuts are all great sources.
11) Mitigate stress with meditation, deep breathing, yoga, kissing, cuddling and any form of exercise.
12) Consume dark chocolate, red wine, and green tea in moderate amounts for their polyphenols and antioxidant content. And because they just taste fabulous!
13) Sit less; do more.
14) Cultivate your relationships often.
15) Practice positive thinking towards yourself and others.
16) Don't drive where you could easily walk or ride a bike.
17) Buy in bulk and bring your own glass or cloth containers. Your wallet and our planet will thank you.
18) Floss and oil pull more. Dentures are just creepy.
19) Wash your hair less, 2-3 times a week max!
20) Protect your skin from the sun wisely. Know when to bust out the sunscreen and what type has the least chemicals. (Look out for a future post on this!)
21) Don't fall prey to trends. Know what works for your body and stick to that. Your wallet will thank you too!
22) Indulge yourself once a week, but nurture yourself daily. See #12.
23) Buy mostly whole, real foods and less of the crap that comes in plastic or paper packaging. This is a win-win for your health, your wallet, and our planet!
24) Practice moderation.
25) Act natural, be real. (Much like your skincare and food regimens!)
26) Read more.
27) Stretch more.
28) Eat more green things!
29) Vary your workouts.
30) Wear less makeup; practice better skincare. :)
I hope these help you to feel better and look better while becoming a little richer, smarter, and eco-conscious! That's what we're all after anyways, right?!
Have a beautiful day!
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