For all you "lack of timers," allow me to introduce the Tabata Protocol. It might sound intimidating, but it's actually a great way to get in a good sweat session when you have a million other things demanding your attention. Developed in 1996 by Dr. Izumi Tabata for Olympic speed skaters, a Tabata is a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that can be done in four minutes. That's right. FOUR MINUTES. And you need zero equipment and can do it in the comfort of your own bedroom, so there's another perk of the Tabata workout. Just grab a timer (or click here) and give it your all out effort for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. BUT to really reap the benefits from this efficient little workout, you have to give it everything you've got for those 20 seconds, but I promise, you can do anything for 20 seconds! Another great thing about the Tabata is you can tailor it to your individual fitness goals -- cardio, strenth, lower body, whatever -- because you can design your own workout. Some ideas to get you started are pushups, planks holds, burpees, squats, jumping jacks, tuck jumps, lunges, sprints... the list goes on and on really. And if you're feeling adventurous, throw in another round or two as you progress.
Now, for the "lack of motivation" folks, I would recommend doing literally whatever you enjoy that involves movement. Even the couchiest of couch potatoes probably have something they like to do when they're not lounging. At the end of the day, the best form of exercise is anything you enjoy and will stick with. I don't believe in quick fixes. I believe in sustainable fitness. I hate to break it to you, but we're gonna be here for a while, folks...long after that wedding date for which you've been kicking your booty to squeeze into that dress that's probably pretty hideous anyways (unless, of course, you're the bride, in which case it's gorgeous)! Some ideas here are dancing (like literally wherever you are), walking, yoga, stretching, roller-blading, sports, frisbee, hiking, biking (unless you're Ian), Zumba, kickboxing, playing with the dog/kids, really anything that makes you feel alive.
All jokes aside, being fit is only one small aspect of your overall health picture. But it shouldn't be neglected if you really want to expedite the detoxing of your life because sweat is a GREAT way to get those toxins out and reenergize your body and mind. Remember learning that the skin is our body's largest organ? That's what makes sweating so great, so just suck it up and do it!
As far as frequency, I would say just listen to your body and increase the frequency as you feel yourself getting stronger and more energized. You definitely don't want to overdo it though because that's a surefire way to burnout and the goal is sustainable fitness! Never, ever, ever exercise intensely every single day. As with everything, exercise moderation. Pun intended.
If you are really exercise adverse or simply aren't able to exercise due to injuries or debilitating illnesses, I do have one other recommendation for getting all those icky toxins out: saunas! If you're able to find one that's affordable, they are hands down the most relaxing way to get your sweat on!
Stay sweaty!